Had we been born half a century earlier in another part of this country, i might have had the opportunity to buy a bus tickit from him. I am obviously not talking about the great Maratha King durng whose time no busses existed, let alone tickets, but someone who is today known by anyone and everyone who owns a mobile phone. Okay, i am "not" a fan of this guy, and the only reason i am writing this is because the the minuscule memory my 19th century mobile phone offers leaves no space for important messages.
So what is this about this man that makes him the loved and the most joked about person of today? Wikipedia attributes this to "his uniquely styled dialogues and idiosyncrasies in films, as well as his political statements and philanthropy". His gravity defying stunts would make newton hope he was never born, and Hollywood fx masters wish they were dead. According to the numerous SMS's there is absolutely nothing that is beyond this man. Rumors have it that anyone who wants to be alive and well after visiting the southern states had better not say a word against him. Anyone wishing to bet on his/her life is free to confirm if these rumors are true.
What makes this man so popular is something i cannot answer. But whatever it is, the "Rajni' jokes are here to stay till it reaches the pinnacle of boredom and nobody is interested in them anymore just like the "CID: jokes a couple of months back.
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